Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas week and Happy New Year

2010 will soon be here. Isn't it amazing just how fast 2009 went by.

Several new projects are on the drawing board for 2010, and a few to clear from 2009.

We are awaiting the arrival of our newest grand daughter as I type. I have designed this mirror for her room.

I have decided that all the grand children will receive a stained glass or mosaic piece that I have designed for them. This way they will have something that will out last any of the store bought toys that they always seem to be looking for. I will attempt to design something that will bridge any age and or color scheme that they may change their rooms to, as they go through all the stages of their life.

Here are two other mirrors that I have been working on. The patterns came from "The Ultimate Pattern Book" volume 3, by Marianne Crivellaro. While I usually design most of my own panels and mosaic pieces, I was intrigued by these "Femmes Fatales". When I saw these patterns, mirror is what came to mind. With all the young ladies on my gift list, I decided to do a series of them as gifts for next year.
Please excuse the reflections of the drawing tools which are actually hanging above the mirror on my work table.

I find this series of pattern to be fun. And what little girl wouldn't love having a fantasy mirror to glaze into.